Altitude—Height above mean sea level (MSL).
Avg Speed—The average of all second-by-second speed readings since
last reset.
Bearing (BRG)—The compass direction from your present position to a
destination waypoint.
Course—The desired course between the active ‘from’ and ‘to’
Distance (Dist)—The ‘great circle’ distance from present position to a
destination waypoint.
Dist to Dest—The ‘great circle’ distance from present position to a
GOTO destination, or the final waypoint in a route.
Dist to Next—The ‘great circle’ distance from present position to a
GOTO destination, or the next waypoint in a route.
ETA—Estimate Time of Arrival. The estimated time you will reach your
destination waypoint, based on current speed and track.
ETA at Dest—The estimated time you will reach a GOTO destination,
or the final waypoint in a route.
ETA at Next—The estimated time you will reach a GOTO destination,
or the next waypoint in a route.
Fuel—The fuel required to travel from present position to the indicated
route waypoint.
Leg Dist—The distance between two route waypoints.
Leg Fuel—The fuel required to travel from a route waypoint to the next
waypoint (in sequence) in the route.
Leg Time—The time
required to travel from a
route waypoint to the next
waypoint (in sequence) in the route.
Max Speed—The maximum second-by-second speed recorded since last
Odometer—A running tally of distance travelled, based upon the dis-
tance between second-by-second position readings. Both the ‘Odometer’
and ‘Trip Odometer’ are resettable, however the ‘Odometer’ is typically
used to keep track of total distance covered, where the ‘Trip Odometer’ is
used to keep track of shorter point-to-point distances.
Off Course—The distance you are off a desired course in either direc-
tion, left or right. Also referred to as ‘cross-track error’ or ‘course error’.
Ref—Reference Waypoint. Used to created a new waypoint, by specifying
a bearing and distance from an existing (reference) waypoint.
Speed—The current velocity at which you are travelling, relative to a
ground position. Also referred to as ‘ground speed’.
Time To—The estimated time required to reach a GOTO destination, or
the next waypoint in a route. Also referred to as ‘estimated time enroute’.
Time to Dest—The estimated time required to reach a GOTO destina-
tion, or the final waypoint in a route.
Time to Next—The estimated time required to reach a GOTO destina-
tion, or the next waypoint in a route.
Navigation Terms
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