cGPSmapper Manual Map Project
http://cgpsmapper.com/ 34 of 100
Point depth / height value with one decimal (e.g. 20.1).
The maximum value is 65535, when value is defined as
integer; and 6553, when value is defined as real.
This value is not displayed if the “Spot Soundings” setting in
the GPS receiver is set to “Off”. Please note also that this
setting affects also some of the objects (mainly soundings):
they will not be displayed at all (because they have no visual
representation except the depth/height value). This is
dangerous for navigation since very important information
will be hidden from the chart. There is also the “Spot
Soundings” setting in Preferences of MapSource.
Applies only to following marine types (as height / depth):
polylines of types 0x0105 to 0x0107, 0x03XX
polygon of types 0x0105 to 0x0107, 0x03XX
points of types 0x03XX (soundings, building, spot
points of types 0x04XX (obstruction)
Alias name for HeightUnit.
Can not be present if HeightUnit is present.
Allowed only when either Depth or Height is present.
m metres
f feet
Default = Elevation value from the [IMG ID]
Allowed only when either Depth or Height is present.
Position of the obstruction.
0 unknown
1 (empty)
2 doubtful
3 existence doubtful
4 approximate
5 reported
Applies only to following marine types:
points of types 0x04XX (obstruction)
Depth info of the obstruction.
0 empty (no depth flag)
1 unknown, dangerous for navigation
2 awash at chart datum
3 unknown, safe for navigation
4 unknown
Applies only to following marine types:
points of types 0x04XX (obstruction)