cGPSmapper Manual Creating custom type file
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string1=0x04,Large city ; 0x04 = English
string2=0x08,Ciudad grande ; 0x08 = Spanish
defines the string ‘Large city’ when the GPSr is set for English, and ‘Ciudad grande’ when
the GPSr is set for Spanish. Refer to section 9.3.4 (Custom types name substitution), on
page 92 for more information about supported language types.
Point bitmap definitions may be up to 24 x 24 pixels and 254 colors. There may be
different definitions for the daytime bitmap and the nighttime bitmap. For nighttime
definitions, use Nightxpm=. If you do not plan to use Nightxpm, it is better to use
xpm= for a single bitmap definition which will be used in both day and night modes. The
first line of the definition describes the bitmap dimensions, number of colors, and number
of ASCII characters used to represent each pixel. We will use the following simple
definition to describe the individual parts of the definition:
Dayxpm=”4 4 2 1”
“ c None”
“X c #000000”
"X X"
"X X"
Dayxpm=”4 4 2 1” declares that the definition is 4 pixels wide x 4 pixels tall, with 2
defined colors, and 1 character representing each pixel in the bitmap.
Bitmap colors are defined using hex RGB values. Each color should be declared explicitly
– cGPSmapper does not support reserved literals representing standard colors. The only
literal allowed is ‘None’ for transparent pixels.
“ c None” ;Special declaration for transparent
“X c #000000” ;Black
The first character is the ASCII character used to represent the associated color in the
bitmap. In this example, we are using a space to represent transparent pixels and an ‘X’ to
represent black pixels. Next is a tab, then the letter ‘c’ which indicates a color definition,
followed by a space, ‘#’, then the hex RGB color value.
Following the color declarations is the bitmap description.