cGPSmapper Manual Appendices
http://cgpsmapper.com/ 76 of 100
Code Warning / Error Text Description / Workaround
R007 Node reduction.
R008 Too short road to be routable
- coordinates were aligned to
same place
R010 No data for routing - remove
for non routable maps!
R011 NODID points cannot be
closer than 5.4 meter!
R012 NODID point defined for non
existing point of the road!
9.2 Exits
9.2.1 Valid exit facility types
Mnemonic Description
0x00 Truck/Lorry Stop / 24-hour Diesel Fuel With Restaurant
0x01 HGV / Diesel Fuel With Large Vehicle Clearance
0x02 Fuel
0x03 Food / Restaurant
0x04 Lodging / Hotel / Motel
0x05 Auto service / Vehicle Repair and Service
0x06 Auto service / Diesel Engine Service
0x07 Auto service / Commercial Vehicle Wash
0x08 Camp / Campground and RV Service
0x09 Hospital / Medical Facilities
0x0a Store / Automated Teller Machines
0x0b Park / Forest, Park, Preserve, or Lake
0x0c Point Of Interest / Useful Services, Sites, or Attractions
0x0d Fast Food
9.2.2 Directions
Mnemonic Description
N North of
S South of
E East of
W West of
I Inner Side of
O Outer Side of
B Both Sides of