Map Page Cursor
With MapSource Fishing HotSpots data loaded into the GPSMAP 168 Sounder, additional details
are available when you highlight a point on the map within a Fishing Hot Spots coverage area. Fish-
ing Hot Spots data provides detailed information in tabbed format such as shoreline, depth contours,
submerged objects, swimming areas, navigational aids, mile markers, boat ramps, marinas, facilities,
lake profi les and fi shing areas. Lake profi les include details about size, depth, water source, shoreline,
bottom conditions and vegetation. Fishing area information describes the area, the type of fi sh found
there, the best time of year to fi sh that area, and the best types of lures for catching certain fi sh in that
To view Fishing Hot Spots information:
1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to select a map item or map location within the Fishing Hot Spots
coverage area and press ENTER/MARK.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to view the tabbed information pages for that location. Highlight ‘OK’
and press ENTER/MARK when you’re fi nished. You may also select the ‘Create Waypt’ or ‘Show on
Map’ options the same as with a non-MapSource map item.
To read all the information in a ‘Fishing Hot Spots Map’ tab:
1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the text (the entire text fi eld will be highlighted).
2. Press ENTER/MARK. A single line of the text fi eld will now be highlighted.
3. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll through the text.
4. When you’re fi nished, press ENTER/MARK. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to view other tabbed
information or select other options, or select ‘OK’ to return to the Map Page.
Viewing Fishing Hot Spots information
168 Manual Part 1.indd 27 11/18/2002, 3:36:31 PM