Main Menu:
Systm (System) Tab
Systm (System) Tab— controls system setting for beeper, speed fi lter, languages, system mode,
simulator controls, restores factory settings, and displays software version.
The following settings are available:
• Beeper— controls audible beep. Select from ‘Off’, ‘Alarms Only’ (sounds for alarms/messages), ‘Key
and Alarm’ (sounds for key presses and alarms/messages).
• Speed Filter— averages speed-readings. Choose from ‘Off’, ‘Auto’ (automatically controls fi ltering),
or ‘On’ (allows you to enter a value from 1 to 255 seconds).
• Language— select from 11 languages for the unit’s on-screen display.
• System Mode— select from ‘Normal’ (normal navigation), ‘Simulator’ (for practice ONLY), ‘Sounder
Only’ or ‘GPS Only’.
• Track Control*— ‘Auto Track’ will steer to the current navigation point. ‘User Track’ allows you to
enter a heading in the ‘Track’ fi eld.
• Speed*— lets you enter a speed.
• Track*— lets you enter a heading.
• Set Position*— allows to set your location while in simulator mode. See page 11, starting with step
2, for additional instructions.
• Transducer* — lets you select a transcuder type, ‘Depth Only’, ‘Temp’ or ‘Temp/Speed’.
* These fi elds will only appear when the unit is in Simulator Mode.
The following options are available by pressing MENU from the ‘Systm’ tab:
• Restore GARMIN Setup— restores all settings to GARMIN’s original setup values for the entire unit.
• Software Version— displays the unit’s software, basemap version and serial number.
Pages Tab
Systm (System) Tab
168 Manual Part 2.indd 73 11/18/2002, 3:37:59 PM