Main Menu:
Celes (Celestial) Tab
Celes (Celestial) Tab— displays celestial data for sun and moon rise/set, moon phase, and
approximate skyview location of the sun and moon. The moon phase will display the current visible
portion of the moon as a light color. You may display this data for your current position, a position
from the map, or a waypoint location. Also, you may select a different date and time, or use the
current data.
To choose a position:
1. Highlight the ‘Position’ fi eld and press ENTER. This will display the Find Menu.
2. Select from ‘Current Location’, ‘Other Location’, or one of the available catagories. The catagories
available will vary depending on the MapSource data that is currently loaded in the unit.
If ‘Current Location’ is selected the unit will search for the Tide Station nearest to the current GPS
location. If ‘Other Location’ is selected, a map will be displayed allowing a location to be selected using
the cursor. The location the unit is using will appear in the Date/Time/Position fi eld. The timetables
displayed will be based upon your current time zone. When using a position from another location
outside of your time zone, you will need to set the Time Zone for that location under the ‘Time’ tab on
the Main Menu (see page 72).
To change the time or date:
1. use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the date or time and press
2. Enter a new date or time and press ENTER/MARK.
To use the current date and time:
1. From the ‘Celes’ tab, press MENU, then use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight ‘Use Current Date
and Time’ and press ENTER/MARK.
Sun Position
Moon Position
Horizon (0°)
Overhead (90°)
‘Select a Position’ Sub-Menu Options
You may also
change the
skyview from
‘North Up’ to
‘Track Up’.
168 Manual Part 2.indd 80 11/18/2002, 3:38:02 PM