To add a waypoint to the proximity list...
· Scroll down the list until the cursor is over a blank waypoint name.
· Enter the desired waypoint name.
· Enter the radius of the alarm circle.
If the newly entered proximity circle overlaps with any existing circle, you will
be informed with the message “PROXIMITY OVERLAP”. This message will
also be displayed each time you turn the GPS 100 on as long as the overlap
remains. (WARNING: If you enter the overlap area, the unit will only inform
you of the nearest proximity waypoint.)
To remove a waypoint from the proximity list...
· Place the cursor over the waypoint name you wish to delete.
· Press the CLR key, the waypoint name will blank.
· Press the ENT key, the waypoint will be removed from the proximity
waypoint list.
Route Use Waypoint Names
Number of User
Proximity Use Waypoints
The Waypoint Catalog Page displays the status of up to six user waypoints
in alphabetical order. Additional waypoints are viewed by scrolling through
the waypoint list.
The status of a waypoint is displayed immediately to the left of the waypoint
name. The status consists of the first route number (0..9) in which the
waypoint is used (if any), and an asterisk “*” if you entered the waypoint in
the proximity list. For example, waypoint OILRG is a proximity waypoint, and
waypoint OKLND is used in route 2.