To set the CDI scale...
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field to the right of “CDI SCALE” and
use the CLR key to select the desired CDI scale.
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
You may select the orientation of the CDI center. If you wish to have the
center of the CDI represent your desired course, the CDI hash will represent
your position. You must steer toward the center of the CDI to eliminate cross
track error. If you wish to have the center of the CDI represent your position,
the CDI hash will represent the desired course. You must steer toward the
CDI hash to eliminate cross track error.
To select the CDI orientation...
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field to the right of “STEER TO”.
· If you wish the center of the CDI to represent your desired course, use
the CLR key to select “CENTER” (typically used in the marine
environment). Select “D-BAR” to have the center of the CDI represent
your position (typically used in the aviation environment).
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
(left or right)
Heading Mode Select Mag Var
The GPS 100 features parallel offset navigation which allows you to track to
the left or right of your course by a desired distance (see Section 12.2 for an
application example using offset navigation).