
The GPS 100 allows you to select position, distance, speed, and altitude
units that best suit your needs. In addition, aviation users may select
pressure and temperature units for density altitude/TAS calculations.
To set the position format...
· Move the cursor over the position format field and press the CLR key
to select “DEG-MIN-SEC” (degrees, minutes, and seconds), or “DEG-
MIN” (degrees and hundredths of minutes.)
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
To select the distance and speed units...
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field immediately to the right of "NAV”
and press the CLR key to select the desired distance and speed units.
You may select from Nautical units (nm, kt), Statute units (mi, mh),
or Metric units (km, kh).
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
To select the altitude and vertical speed units...
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field immediately to the right of “ALT”
and press the CLR key to select the desired altitude units. You may
select from English units (ft, FPM), or Metric units (mt, MPM).
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.
To set the pressure and/or temperature units...
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field to the right of “PRES” and press
the CLR key to select the desired pressure units. You may select from
inches of mercury (HG), or millibars (MB).
· Move the cursor over the cyclic field to the right of “TEMP” and press
the CLR key to select the desired temperature units. You may select
from Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C).
· Move the cursor over “OK?” and press the ENT key.