Port#: indicates the port number. Value ranges from 01 to max number of ports in the switch
Type: indicates the type of port – TP indicates Twisted Pair
Priority: STP uses this to determine which ports are used for forwarding. Lower the number
means higher priority. Value ranges from 0 to 255. Default is 128
Path Cost: This is the assigned port cost value used for the switch to determine the forwarding
points. Values range from 1 to 2000000. Lower the value, lower the cost and hence the preferred
route. The costs for different Ethernet speeds are shown below. The Path cost in STP is
compared to the path cost in RSTP.
Port Type STP Path cost RSTP Path cost
10 Mbps 100 2,000,000
100 Mbps 19 200,000
1 Gbps 4 20,000
10 Gbps 2 2,000
Figure 89 – Path cost as defined in IEEE 802.1d (STP) and 802.1w (RSTP)
State: indicates the STP state of individual ports. Values can be Listening, Learning, Forwarding,
Blocking and Disabled.
Des. Bridge: this is the port’s designated root bridge
Des. Port: this is the port’s designated root port
Another screen capture of the same command, from a larger network with several switches is
shown below.
Magnum6K25# show rstp ports
RSTP Port Configuration
Port# Type Priority Path Cost State Des. Bridge Des. Port
01 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:01
02 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:02
03 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:03
04 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:04
05 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:05