
06 TP(10/100) 128 200000 Forwarding 80:00:00:20:06:30:00:01 00:06
07 TP(10/100) 128 200000 Discarding 80:00:00:20:06:2b:0f:e1 00:07
08 TP(10/100) 128 2000000 Disabled 00:08
09 Gigabit 128 20000 Forwarding 80:00:00:20:06:2b:0f:e1 00:09
10 Gigabit 128 20000 Forwarding 80:00:00:20:06:30:00:01 00:0a
FIGURE 90 – RSTP information from a network with multiple switches. Note the “show stp ports” command
can be executed from the manager level prompt or from rstp configuration state as shown in the screen captures
In this example, ports 9,10 have a path cost of 20,000 and are the least cost paths. These ports are
connected to other switches and the ports are enabled as forwarding ports. Ports 6, 7 are also
connected to other switches. From the state column, it indicates that port 7 is in a standby state as
that port is discarding all traffic.
More CLI commands associated with RSTP in the RSTP configuration mode are:
Syntax forceversion <stp|rstp> - set the STP or RSTP compatibility mode
Syntax show-forceversion - the current force version
Syntax show-timers – show the values of the timers set for RSTP
Syntax priority [port=<number|list|range>] value=<0-255 | 0-65535> - specifies the port or
switch level priority. When a port(s) are specified the priority is associated with ports and their value is 0-
255. If no ports are specified, then the switch (bridge) priority is specified and its value is 0-65535
Syntax cost port=<number|list|range> value=<0-65535> - cost is specific to a port and the port(s)
have to be specified
Syntax port port=<number|list|range> status=<enable|disable> - specific ports may not need to
participate in STP process. These ports typically would be end-stations. If you are not sure – let MNS-6K
software make the decisions
Syntax timers forward-delay=<4-30> hello=<1-10> age=<6-160> - change the STP Forward
delay, Hello timer and Aging timer values
Priority: specifies the switch (bridge) priority value. This value is used along with the
switch MAC address to determine which switch in the network is the root device. Lower
values mean higher priority. Value ranges from 0 to 65535. Default value is 32768
Cost: A path cost is assigned to individual ports for the switch to determine which ports
are the forwarding points. A higher cost means the link is “more expensive” to use and
falls in the passive mode compared to the link with a lower cost. Value ranges from 0 to
65535. Default value is 32768