sending and receiving emails, it is extremely beneficial for a network administrator to receive
emails in case of faults and alerts. The Magnum 6K family of switches can be setup to send an
email alert when a trap is generated.
If this capability is used, please ensure that SPAM filters and other filters are not
set to delete these emails.
GarrettCom Inc. recommends that a rule be setup on the mail server so that all
emails indicating SNMP faults are automatically stored in a folder or redirected
to the necessary administrators.
The SNMP alerts can be configured using MNS-6K for the following:
• Send email alert according to the configuration rules when a specific event category
• Send email alert according to the configuration rules when a specific trap SNMP trap
category happens
• Provide configuration and customization commands for users to specify SMTP server to
connect to, TCP ports, user recipients and filters
The SMTP alerts provide the following capabilities:
• SMTP alerts can be enabled or disabled globally
• User can define a global default SMTP server identified by its IP address, TCP port and
retry count
• User can add up to five SMTP alert recipients. Each recipient is identified by an ID and
email address. The email address needs to be a valid address and can be an alias setup for
distribution to a larger audience
• Filters are provided for each recipient to allow only certain categories of traps and events
be sent by email
• Each recipient can have its own SMTP server and TCP port number, if this is not defined
on a certain recipient, the default SMTP server and TCP port number is used
Syntax smtp – configure the SNMP alerts to be sent via email
Syntax show smtp <config|recipients> -
– displays the current SMTP global settings and
displays the currently configured recipients of email alerts
Syntax add id=<1-5> email=<email-addr> [traps=<all|none|S|R|E>]
[events=<all|none|I|A|C|F|D>] [ip=<ip-addr>] [port=<1-65535>]
id – [mandatory] the recipient ID - range from 1 to 5. MNS-6K allows a maximum of 5
email – [mandatory] email address of the recipient