Operation / Data Log
332305B 41
Common Error Log entries are listed below.
Software Fault An internal software error
occurred. Contact Graco Cus-
tomer Service.
Low Level Warning The unit entered a low level
warning mode and is running
low on material. The pump
continues to dispense material
for the duration of the low level
alarm time specified by the
Low Level Fault The alarm time in low level
warning has elapsed. The unit
will not pump until the reservoir
is filled and the fault is cleared.
Cycle 1 Not Detected In a divider valve system, the
system has not received the
programmed number of divider
valve cycles for the specified
input in the programmed
backup time.
Cycle 2 Not Detected
Cycle 3 Not Detected
Pressure 1 Not
In an injector system the sys-
tem has not received a signal
from the pressure switch in the
designated backup time.
Pressure 2 Not
Pressure 3 Not
System Already Pres-
surized 1
In an injector system the pres-
sure switch is activated when
the unit enters a pump on
mode and may not have
vented properly.
System Already Pres-
surized 2
System Already Pres-
surized 3
Machine Count Sensor
The specified number of
machine count input activa-
tions was not received within
the designated backup time.
Motor Overcurrent The unit is out of expected
motor current range. Check the
system to determine that it is
functioning correctly (i.e., no
blocked lines). Continued oper-
ation at excessive motor cur-
rents will cause degradation in
pump life.
High Temperature
Internal temperature of the unit
is above the designated oper-
ating. Check the unit and sys-
tem to determine that it is
functioning correctly. Operating
outside of the specified tem-
perature range may cause
reduced performance and pos-
sible unit failure.
Low Temperature
Internal temperature of the unit
is below the designated operat-
ing. Check the unit and system
to determine that it is function-
ing correctly. Operating outside
of the specified temperature
may cause reduced perfor-
mance and possible unit fail-
USB Unable to Mount The USB flash drive that was
installed was unable to connect
and communicate with the
USB Unsupported
The USB flash drive is unsup-
ported. Use a different flash
USB File Not Found The pump program setting file
was not found or created cor-
rectly. Restore the setting file
to the flash drive.
USB Folder Navigation The pump program setting file
was not found or created cor-
rectly. Restore the setting file
to the flash drive.
USB Invalid File The pump program settings file
was not found or created cor-
rectly. Restore the setting file
to the flash drive.
Failed Pin Code Entry A failed attempt was made to
enter the pin code password.