
28 Chapter4
Troubleshooting SCSI
The A5838A host bus adapter is a single field-replaceable unit (FRU) and does not
contain any field-serviceable parts. Troubleshooting procedures described in this
section are limited to verifying that the controller is operational and a valid
connection is established.
General Procedure
1. Check the connection.
Make sure that the correct cable is used, connected, and operating properly and
that there are no bent pins in any of the connectors.
2. Check SCSI bus compatibility.
Ensure transfer rate compatibility with the attached devices using the SCSI boot
menu command.
3. Check the controller.
Inspect the controller to make sure it is seated properly in the PCI bus slot. If
necessary, power down the system, reseat the controller, and restart the system.
4. Run diagnostics.
If a visual inspection of the controller and cable does not reveal any problems,
or if an action taken as a result of the inspection does not produce a working
controller, you may want to run diagnostics to determine whether the controller
can communicate and respond to PCI bus instructions. Diagnostics are
described in the next section.