66 Chapter6
Troubleshooting 10/100Base-TX/9000
Diagnostic Flowcharts
Flowchart 2 Procedures
A. Check Power outlet. Ensure the power cord is
plugged in to a live outlet.
B. Test Error Message on Screen? At the HP-UX
prompt, type the dmesg command, and look for
an error message. Does the dmesg output show
an error message from btlan? If not, go to step D.
Note: even if the Test LED is OFF, a card problem is
still possible if either of the following two messages
btlan: Error: Motherboard failed to complete
btlan: Error: Motherboard failed selftest;error
code= 0x?
C. Check card installation. If dmesg reported an
error message from btlan, reset card according
to Steps D through G in Flowchart 4. If problem
persists, call HP. Go back to flowchart 1.
D. Check status of Link LED.
E. Link LED = OFF? If it is off, proceed to step F.
If Link LED = ON, proceed to step G.
F. If Link LED = OFF, check connection to hub or switch.
Ensure switch is
autonegotiating. Ensure hub or
switch is 10Base-T or 100Base-TX. Reset card
according to Steps D through G in Flowchart 4. Go
back to flowchart 1.
G. Do link speed and duplex mode match switch? If
they do, proceed to flowchart 3.
H. If Link speed and duplex mode do not match
what you expect, set attached hub or switch to
the correct link speed and duplex mode, and
enable autonegotiation. Reset card according to
Steps D through G in Flowchart 4. Go back to
flowchart 1.