Chapter 6 73
Troubleshooting 10/100Base-TX/9000
Diagnostic Flowcharts
Flowchart 4 Procedures
A. Execute: netfmt. Use the netfmt command to view log
data (error and disaster messages). An example
command is shown below.
netfmt -v -f /var/adm/nettl.LOG00 | more
B. Check causes and actions on display in the
formatted log output. Use the time stamp to find the
proper logs. Ensure that you are looking at the
10/100Base-TX information.
C. Problem solved. If yes, go to flowchart 1. If not,
continue with step D.
D. Execute lanadmin. Run lanadmin(1M). For a
complete description of this command, refer to the
lanadmin(1M) on-line manual page.
E. Select LAN from Menu. Select lan from the menu to
enter LAN Interface Diagnostic.
F. Select the NMID command and enter the
10/100Base-TX NMID. You can use the lanscan
command to find the current NMID for 10/100Base-TX.
The NMID you enter becomes the current device to be
G. Reset the card according to Steps D through G in
Flowchart 4. Using the reset command in lanadmin
re-executes the LAN card self-test.
H. Reset successful? The reset is successful if no errors
are displayed as a result of the reset command. If the
self-test was successful, the problem may be that you
are not connected to the 10/100Base-TX network.
Correct the problem and verify the resolution by
continuing with flowchart 1. Otherwise, go to flowchart