
Switch Memory and Configuration
Using Primary and Secondary Flash Image Options
factory-default values to the parameters controlling the new features. Simi-
larly, If you create a startup-config file while using a version “Y” of the switch
software, and then reboot the switch with an earlier software version “X” that
does not include all of the features found in “Y”, the software simply ignores
the parameters for any features that it does not support.
Scheduled Reload. If no parameters are entered after the reload command,
an immediate reboot is executed. The reload at and reload after command
information is not saved across reboots. If the switch is rebooted before a
scheduled reload command is executed, the command is effectively cancelled.
When entering a reload at or reload after command, a prompt will appear to
confirm the command before it can be processed by the switch. For the reload
at command, if mm/dd/yy are left blank, the current day is assumed.
The scheduled reload feature removes the requirement to physically reboot
the switch at inconvenient times (for example, at 1:00 in the morning). Instead,
a reload at 1:00 mm/dd command can be executed (where mm/dd is the date
the switch is scheduled to reboot).
Boot and Reload Command Comparison
The switch offers reboot options through the boot and reload commands, plus
the options inherent in a dual-flash image system. Generally, using boot
provides more comprehensive self-testing; using reload gives you a faster
reboot time.
Table 6-2. Comparing the Boot and Reload Commands
Actions Included In
Included In Reload Note
Save all Optional, Optional with reload
Config changes saved to
changes since the
last boot or reload
with prompt <cr>, when prompt
Not saved with
No prompt is displayed.
the startup-config file if
“y” is selected (
Perform all system
Yes No
The reload command
provides a faster system
Choice of primary or
secondary flash
Yes No—Uses the current
flash image.
Perform a scheduled
No Yes Use the
reload command
with after/at parameters
(see page 6-22 for details).