Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
CLI: Displaying the Event Log
To display messages recorded in the event log from the CLI, enter the show
logging command. Keyword searches are supported.
Syntax: show logging [-a, -r] [<search-text>]
By default, the show logging command displays the log
messages recorded since the last reboot in chronological
-a displays all recorded log messages, including those
before the last reboot.
-r displays all recorded log messages, with the most recent
entries listed first.
<search-text> displays all Event Log entries that contain the
specified text. Use a <search-text> value with -a or -r to
further filter show logging command output.
Examples. To display all Event Log messages that have “system” in the
message text or module name, enter the following command:
ProCurve# show logging -a system
To display all Event Log messages recorded since the last reboot that have the
word, “system”, in the message text or module name, enter:
ProCurve# show logging system
CLI: Clearing Event Log Entries
Use the clear logging command to hide, but not erase, Event Log entries
displayed in show logging command output. Only new entries generated after
you enter the command will be displayed.
To redisplay all hidden entries, including Event Log entries recorded prior to
the last reboot, enter the show logging -a command.
Syntax: clear logging
Removes all entries from the event log display output.