Table 3-8 lists and describes the elements in the Port Properties window of an IB port.
Oper Status field Displays up to indicate that the port is physically ready for
use, otherwise displays down.
Auto Negotiation Supported field Displays true if the port supports auto-negotiation
Auto Negotiation field Provides the Enable checkbox so you can enable or disable
auto-negotiation on the port.
Set Port Speed field Provides the 1G and 2G radio buttons so you can configure
the port speed.
Current Speed field Displays the speed of the port.
Current Connection Type field Indicates the type of connection that the Server Switch
dynamically discovered for this port.
MTU field Displays the MTU of the port, in bytes.
WWNN field Displays the worldwide node name (WWNN) of your
WWPN field Displays the worldwide port name (WWPN) of the port.
FC ID field FC Protocol (FCP) identifier of the port.
Last Changed On field Displays the time and date of the last time that a user
configured the port.
Apply button Applies the changes that you make in the Port Properties
window to the port.
Reset button Resets the fields in the window to match the properties of
the card.
Close button Closes the window. If you close the window before you
apply changes, CM makes no changes to the port.
Help button Opens on-line help.
Table 3-8: InfiniBand Port Properties Window Elements
Element Description
Port field Displays the port number in slot#/port# notation.
Name field Provides a port name that you can edit and apply to the port.
Type field Displays the type of the port.
Admin Status field Provides the up and down radio buttons so you can
configure the administrative status of the port.
Oper Status field Displays up to indicate that the port is physically ready for
use, otherwise displays down.
Auto Negotiation Supported field Displays true if the port supports auto-negotiation
Auto Negotiation field Provide the Enable checkbox so you can enable or disable
auto-negotiation on the port.
Set Port Speed field Provides the 2500M, 10G and 30G radio buttons so you
can configure the port speed.
Current Speed field Displays the speed of the port.
Physical State field Displays the physical state of the port.
Table 3-7: Fibre Channel Port Properties Window Elements (Continued)
Element Description