Table 3-16 lists and describes the fields in the Ethernet Management Ports display.
Table 3-17 lists and describes the fields in the InfiniBand Management Ports display.
Data Bits Data bits value to which you must configure your serial connection.
Stop Bits Stop bits setting to which you must configure your serial connection.
Parity Parity setting to which you must configure your serial connection.
Table 3-16: Ethernet Management Ports Display Fields
Field Description
MAC Address MAC address of the Ethernet Management Port.
Enable Auto Negotiation Displays true if you have enabled auto-negotiation and false if you
have disabled auto-negotiation.
Administrative Port
Displays down if you have shut down the port and up if you brought
up the port.
Current Port Status Displays up if the port runs successfully and down if the port cannot
run traffic for physical, logical, or administrative reasons.
IP Address IP address of the Ethernet Management port.
Net Mask Subnet mask of the Ethernet Management port.
Gateway Default IP gateway of the Ethernet Management port.
Address Option Configured Management Port address option.
Table 3-17: InfiniBand Management Ports Display Fields
Field Description
Administrative Port
Displays down if you have shut down the port and up if you brought
up the port.
Current Port Status Displays up if the port runs successfully and down if the port cannot
run traffic for physical, logical, or administrative reasons.
IP Address IP address of the IB Management port.
Net Mask Subnet mask of the IB Management port.
Gateway Default IP gateway of the IB Management port.
Address Option Address option of the IB management port.
Table 3-15: Serial Management Ports Display Fields (Continued)
Field Description