
Viewing Backplane Information
To view backplane information:
NOTE: This feature is not available on all hardware platforms.
1. Expand the Chassis icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Backplane branch. The Backplane display appears in the View frame. Table 3-14 lists
and describes the fields in this display.
Viewing Management Ports on a Chassis
To view the configurations of management ports on your device:
1. Expand the Chassis icon in the Tree frame.
2. Expand the Management Ports sub-icon in the Tree frame.
3. Click the Serial, Ethernet, or InfiniBand branch to view the attributes of that management port.
Table 3-15 lists and describes the fields in the Serial Management Ports display.
Sensor ID Numeric identifier of the temperature sensor.
Current Status Displays up for functional sensors and down for faulty sensors.
Operational Code (Oper
Operational code of the sensor. This field displays normal,
tempAlert, currAlert, or voltAlert.
Temperature (select chassis) Temperature of the slot.
Current Temp (select chassis) Current temperature of the chassis.
Alarm Temp (select chassis) Chassis temperature that triggers an alarm.
Shutdown Temp (select chassis) Chassis temperature that triggers a shutdown.
Table 3-13: Sensors Table Fields (Continued)
Field Description
Table 3-14: Backplane Display Field Descriptions
Field Description
Serial Number Factory-assigned product serial number.
PCA Serial Number PCA serial number.
PCA Assembly Number PCA assembly number.
FRU Num FRU number.
Chassis ID GUID of the chassis
Base MAC Address 24-bit base MAC address of this chassis.
Chassis GUID GUID of the chassis.
Table 3-15: Serial Management Ports Display Fields
Field Description
Baud Rate Transmission speed to which you must configure your serial connection.