Configuring for Network Management Applications
LLDP (Link-Layer Discovery Protocol)
Syntax: [ no ] lldp config < port-list > medPortLocation < Address-Type >
Configures location or emergency call data the switch advertises
per port in the
location_id TLV. This TLV is for use by LLDP-
MED endpoints employing location-based applications.
Note: The switch allows one medPortLocation entry per
port (without regard to type). Configuring a new
medPortLocation entry of any type on a port replaces
any previously configured entry on that port.
civic-addr <
[< CA-TYPE > < CA-VALUE >] . . . [< CA-TYPE > < CA-VALUE >]
This command enables configuration of a physical
address on a switch port, and allows up to 75 characters
of address information.
COUNTRY-STR: A two-character country code, as defined by
ISO 3166. Some examples include FR (France), DE
(Germany), and IN (India). This field is required in a
civic-addr command. (For a complete list of country codes,
visit www.iso.org on the world wide web.)
WHAT: A single-digit number specifying the type of device
to which the location data applies:
0: Location of DHCP server
1: Location of switch
2: Location of LLDP-MED endpoint (recommended
This field is required in a civic-addr command.