
Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
maclock MAC lockdown and MAC lockout
MAC lockdown prevents station movement and MAC
address “hijacking” by requiring a MAC address to be used
only an assigned port on the switch. MAC Lockdown also
restricts the client device to a specific VLAN.
MAC lockout blocks a specific MAC address so that the
switch drops all traffic to or from the specified address.
Access Security Guide
mgr ProCurve Manager (PCM) and ProCurve Manager Plus
(PCM+): Windows-based network management solutions for
managing and monitoring performance of ProCurve devices.
PCM messages also include events for configuration
Management and Configuration Guide
netinet Network Internet: Monitors the creation of a route or an
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry and sends a log
message in case of failure.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
ports Port status and port configuration features, including mode
(speed and duplex), flow control, broadcast limit, jumbo
packets, and security settings.
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Management and Configuration Guide
Access Security Guide
radius RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)
authentication and accounting: A network server is used to
authenticate user-connection requests on the switch and
collect accounting information to track network resource
Access Security Guide
snmp Simple Network Management Protocol: Allows you to manage
the switch from a network management station, including
support for security features, event reporting, flow sampling,
and standard MIBs.
Management and Configuration Guide
sntp Simple Network Time Protocol: Synchronizes and ensures a
uniform time among interoperating devices.
Management and Configuration Guide
ssh Secure Shell version 2 (SSHv2): Provides remote access to
management functions on a switch via encrypted paths
between the switch and management station clients capable
of SSH operation.
SSH messages also include events from the Secure File
Transfer Protocol (SFTP) feature. SFTP provides a secure
alternative to TFTP for transferring sensitive information, such
as switch configuration files, to and from the switch in an SSH
Access Security Guide
ssl Secure Socket Layer Version 3 (SSLv3), including Transport
Layer Security (TLSv1) support: Provides remote web access
to a switch via encrypted paths between the switch and
management station clients capable of SSL/TLS operation.
Access Security Guide
Documented in ProCurve Hardware/
Software guide