Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
Traffic Selection Options
To configure traffic mirroring, you must specify the source interface, traffic
direction, and criteria to be used to select the traffic to be mirrored using the
following options:
■ Interface type
• Port and/or trunk
• Switch (global configuration level)
Mirroring-Source Restrictions
In a mirroring session, you can configure any of the following sources of
mirrored traffic:
■ Multiple port and trunk interfaces
Selecting All Inbound/Outbound Traffic to Mirror
Use the commands in this section to configure all inbound and/or outbound
traffic on specified port or trunk interfaces for a local mirroring session. For
an example of a mirroring configuration that selects all inbound or outbound
traffic on a monitored interface, see:
■ “Local Mirroring Using Traffic-Direction Criteria” on page B-41
Note If you have already configured session 1 with a local destination (as described
in “2. Configure a Mirroring Session on the Source Switch” on page B-35), you
can enter the vlan < vid > monitor or interface < port > monitor command without
additional parameters for traffic-selection criteria and session number to
configure mirroring for all inbound and outbound traffic on the specified port
interfaces in session 1 with the preconfigured destination.
Port or Trunk Interface with Traffic Direction as the Selection
Criteria. Use this command when the direction of traffic movement on the
port or trunk interface defines the criteria for mirroring traffic.
Syntax: [no] interface < eth-port-list > monitor all < in | out | both >