Installation and Getting Started Guide
NOTE: The <ip-mask> parameter and <mask> parameter perform different operations. The <ip-mask>
parameter specifies the network mask for a specific IP address, whereas the <mask> parameter provides a filter
for displaying multiple MAC addresses that have specific values in common.
The <num> parameter lets you display the table beginning with a specific entry number.
Table 6.13: CLI Display of Static ARP Table
This Field... Displays...
Static ARP table size The maximum number of static entries that can be configured on the
device using the current memory allocation. he range of valid
memory allocations for static ARP entries is listed after the current
allocation. To change the memory allocation for static ARP entries,
see “Changing the Maximum Number of Entries the Static ARP Table
Can Hold” on page 6-31.
Index The number of this entry in the table. You specify the entry number
when you create the entry.
IP Address The IP address of the device.
MAC Address The MAC address of the device.
Port The port attached to the device the entry is for.
You cannot display the static ARP table using the Web management interface.
Displaying the Forwarding Cache
To display the IP forwarding cache, use one of the following methods.
NOTE: To display only the forwarding cache entries for aggregated default network routes, see “Displaying the
Forwarding Cache Entries for Default Routes” on page 6-61.
To display the IP forwarding cache, enter the following command at any CLI level:
HP9300> show ip cache
Total number of cache entries: 3
D:Dynamic P:Permanent F:Forward U:Us C:Complex Filter
W:Wait ARP I:ICMP Deny K:Drop R:Fragment S:Snap Encap
IP Address Next Hop MAC Type Port Vlan Pri
1 DIRECT 0000.0000.0000 PU n/a 0
2 DIRECT 0000.0000.0000 PU n/a 0
3 DIRECT 0000.0000.0000 PU n/a 0
Syntax: show ip cache [<ip-addr>] | [<num>]
The <ip-addr> parameter displays the cache entry for the specified IP address.
The <num> parameter displays the cache beginning with the row following the number you enter. For example, to
begin displaying the cache at row 10, enter the following command: show ip cache 9.
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