Policies and Filters
IPX Filters
IPX filters control transmission and receipt of IPX packets, IPX RIP routes, and IPX Service Advertisement
Protocol (SAP) messages. IPX forwarding filters filter on source and destination IPX address and socket
information. IPX RIP filters filter based on a route’s network address. IPX SAP filters filter based on server type
and server name.
IPX Forwarding Filters
IPX forwarding filters control forwarding of IPX packets.
• An IPX forward filter applied to inbound packets forwards or drops IPX packets received on the port.
• An IPX forward filter applied to outbound traffic forward or drops IPX packets sent to the port for forwarding.
You configure IPX forwarding filters globally, then apply them to specific ports.
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure IPX forwarding filters.
Table C.15: IPX Forwarding Filters
CLI syntax Web management links
HP9300(config)# ipx forward-filter <filter-num> permit | deny
<source-network-number> | any <source-node-number> | any
<destination-network-number> | any <destination-node-number> | any
<destination-socket-number> | any
HP9300(config-if-1/1)# ipx forward-filter-group in | out <filter-list>
Configure->IPX->Forward Filter
IPX RIP Filters
IPX RIP filters control the IPX routes that the device learns or advertises.
• An IPX RIP filter applied to inbound packets learns or drops IPX routes received on the port.
• An IPX RIP filter applied to outbound packets advertises or does not advertise IPX routes.
You configure IPX RIP filters globally, then apply them to specific ports.
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure IPX RIP filters.
Table C.16: IPX RIP Filters
CLI syntax Web management links
HP9300(config)# ipx rip-filter <filter-num> permit | deny
<network-number> | any <network-mask> | any
HP9300(config-if-1/1)# ipx rip-filter-group in | out <filter-list>
Configure->IPX->RIP Filter
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