Configuring BGP4
HP9300(config-bgp-router)# no router bgp
router bgp mode now disabled. All bgp config data will be lost when writing to
The Web management interface does not display a warning message.
If you have disabled the protocol but have not yet saved the configuration to the startup-config file and reloaded
the software, you can restore the configuration information by re-entering the command to enable the protocol (ex:
router bgp), or by selecting the Web management option to enable the protocol. If you have already saved the
configuration to the startup-config file, the information is gone.
If you are testing a BGP4 configuration and are likely to disable and re-enable the protocol, you might want to
make a backup copy of the startup-config file containing the protocol’s configuration information. This way, if you
remove the configuration information by saving the configuration after disabling the protocol, you can restore the
configuration by copying the backup copy of the startup-config file onto the flash memory.
NOTE: Another way to disable BGP4 is to remove the local AS (for example, by entering the no local-as <num>
command). In this case, BGP4 retains the other configuration information but is not operational until you set the
local AS again.
BGP4 Parameters
You can modify or set the following BGP4 parameters.
• Optional – Define the router ID. (The same router ID also is used by OSPF.)
• Required – Specify the local AS number.
• Optional – Add a loopback interface for use with neighbors.
• Required – Identify BGP4 neighbors.
• Optional – Change the Keep Alive Time and Hold Time.
• Optional – Enable fast external fallover.
• Optional – Specify a list of individual networks in the local AS to be advertised to remote ASs using BGP4.
• Optional – Change the default local preference for routes.
• Optional – Change the default information originate.
• Optional – Change the default MED (metric).
• Optional – Change the default administrative distances for EBGP, IBGP, and locally originated routes.
• Optional – Always compare MEDs (metrics) when choosing a route.
• Optional – Enable synchronization of routes between BGP4 and IGP.
• Optional – Enable auto summary to summarize routes at an IP class boundary (A, B, or C).
• Optional – Aggregate routes in the BGP4 route table into CIDR blocks.
• Optional – Configure the router as a BGP4 router reflector.
• Optional – Configure the routing switch as a member of a BGP4 confederation.
• Optional – Change the default metric for routes that BGP4 redistributes into RIP or OSPF.
• Optional – Change the parameters for RIP, OSPF, or static routes redistributed into BGP4.
• Optional – Change the number of paths for BGP4 load sharing.
• Optional – Define BGP4 address filters.
• Optional – Define BGP4 AS-path filters.
• Optional – Define BGP4 community filters.
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