edge switch 2/16 service manual 2–49
Contact the next level of support.
The IP address defining the switch to the HAFM application is incorrect or unknown
and must be verified. A maintenance terminal (desktop or notebook PC) and
asynchronous RS-232 modem cable are required to verify the switch IP address. Both
tools are provided by installation or service personnel. To verify the switch IP address:
a. Remove the protective cap from the 9-pin maintenance port at the rear of the
switch (a flat-tip screwdriver may be required). Connect one end of the RS-232
modem cable to the port.
b. Connect the other cable end to a 9-pin communication port (COM1 or COM2) at
the rear of the maintenance terminal PC.
c. Power on the maintenance terminal. After the PC powers on, the Windows
desktop displays.
d. At the Windows desktop, click the Windows Start button. The Windows
Workstation menu displays.
NOTE: The following steps describe inspecting the IP address using HyperTerminal serial
communication software.
e. At the Windows Workstation menu, sequentially select Programs, Accessories,
and HyperTerminal. The Connection Description dialog box displays.