
edge switch 2/16 service manual 1–37
General InformationI
Messages display to the right of the status symbol as you move the cursor over options
under the menu bar menus. These messages provide additional details about tasks that
you can perform through the menu option.
Fabrics View
Access the Fabrics View by clicking the Fabrics tab on the HAFM application
window. The left panel of this view is the Fabric Tree, which is the expandable list of
fabrics, products in fabrics, and nodes connected to products. The view area for the tab
is to the right of the Fabric Tree.
Click the Topology and Zone Set tabs at the bottom of the view area to change the
views. The Topology tab (default) is illustrated in Figure 1–17 and the Zone Sets tab is
illustrated in Figure 1–18.
Figure 1–17: Fabrics View - Topology Tab
Topology Tab
The view area of the Topology tab provides details on all fabrics known to the HAFM
server and HAFM application. This area displays product icons like those in the
Products view, each representing switches and directors in fabrics that you select from
a Fabric Tree on left panel of the view. Interswitch links (ISLs) display between the
product icons as black lines. Fabrics are initially listed in the Fabric Tree by the world