2–10 edge switch 2/16 service manual
• The switch-to-HAFM server Ethernet link failed.
• Ac power distribution in the switch failed.
• The control processor (CTP) card failed. Because the CTP card is not a FRU,
CTP failure requires replacing the switch.
Does a grey square appear at the alert panel and as the background to the icon
representing the switch reporting the problem?
Go to step 10.
At the switch reporting the problem, ensure the power switch is set to the Power On
(1) position. Inspect the switch for indications of being powered on, such as:
• At the front panel, an illuminated PWR or ERR indicator.
• Green LEDs illuminated on the power supplies.
• Audio emanations and airflow from fans.
Does the switch appear powered on?
A power distribution problem is indicated. Go to step 23 to obtain event codes.
If no event codes are found, go to "
MAP 0100: Power Distribution Analysis
" on
page 2-26.
Either a switch-to-HAFM server Ethernet link failure or CTP card failure is indicated.
Go to step 23 to obtain event codes. If no event codes are found:
a. Fault isolate the least severe failure indicated (Ethernet link problem). Go to
MAP 0400: Loss of Console Communication
" on page 2-39.
b. If MAP 400 does not isolate the problem, fault isolate the CTP card problem. Go
to "
MAP 0200: POST, Reset, or IPL Failure Analysis
" on page 2-32.
Does a red diamond with yellow background (failure indicator) appear at the alert
panel and as the background to the icon representing the switch reporting the