This chapter will help you to get your HP E1433A running and making
simple measurements. It shows how to install the software libraries and
how to run some of the example programs that are included.
For more information see the other chapters in this book and the on-line
function reference. (See “Where to get more information” in the chapter
titled “Using the HP E1433A).”
Two versions of the Host Interface Library are available. One is the HP-UX
C-Language Host Interface Library which uses SICL (the Standard
Instrument Interface Library) to communicate to the HP E1433A hardware.
The other is the HP-UX, Windows 95 and Windows NT VXIplug&play
Library which communicates with the hardware using VISA (Virtual
Instrument Software Architecture). VISA is the input/output standard upon
which all the VXIplug&play software components are based.
This chapter mainly covers the VXIplug&play version, and it also includes
some examples using the C-Language version. If you are using the
C-Language version, you should also refer to the chapter titled “The
C-Language Host Interface Library.”
HP E1433A User's Guide
Getting Started With the HP E1433A