
You can click on Alphnumeric in the Display menu to set up a box to
specify how to display the output of a function.
Use HP VEE to look at the functions that make up the simple scope.vee
program. This is an example of how the HP E1433A can be programmed
using HP VEE.
Click on the Panel View button (sine wave symbol) to go to panel view.
Set up your system to provide input signal to some of the input connectors
of your HP E1433A. Then use the scope.vee interface to view the time
records and FFTs of the input signals.
When you exit HP VEE, the program will ask if you want to save any
changes you made to scope.vee. Click No, or if you wish click Cancel and
then use File/Save As to save your changes with a different filename.
This program provides a simple example to help you begin learning to use
the HP E1432A library, although it is not intended to be a finished
user-friendly program. It contains the minimum number of functions
needed (nine functions) to get data from the HP E1433A module. It does
not even include a panel user interface, so the first screen you will see is
the VEE View Detail screen. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen
to scroll the display and see all of the detail view.
The minimum.vee program simply takes data for one channel and then
stops. You may find it useful to examine this program and use it as a
starting point for learning to write your own VEE programs for the HP
HP E1433A User's Guide
Getting Started With the HP E1433A