
Parameter Lists
This section shows which parameters are global parameters, which are
channel-specific, and what types of channels the channel-specific parameters
apply to. Default values are shown for all of these parameters. In addition,
each parameter is categorized as abort, wait, immediate,orglitch
depending on the behavior when this parameter is changed during a
running measurement. Those with abort cause the measurement to abort.
Those with wait dont take effect until the start of the next measurement.
Those with immediate take effect immediately. Those with glitch take
effect immediately, and may cause glitches in the data that is read back, or
on the source output if the parameter is applied to a source channel.
Global Parameters
Parameter Default Value Changes
append_status Off Immediate
arm_channel None Immediate
arm_mode Auto Arm Immediate
arm_time_interval 1 Sec Immediate
auto_group_meas On Wait
avg_mode None Wait
avg_number 10 Wait
auto_trigger Auto Trigger Abort
avg_update 10 Wait
avg_weight 1 Immediate
blocksize 1024 Abort
cal_dac 0 Immediate
cal_voltage 0 Volts Immediate
calin Grounded Immediate
center_freq 2 kHz Immediate
clock_freq 51.2 kHz Abort
clock_master Off Abort
clock_source Internal Abort
data_mode Block Mode Abort
HP E1433A User's Guide
The C-Language Host Interface Library