Chapter 3: Reviewing Images and Video Clips 77
# Icon Description
1 Delete - Presents a sub-menu where you can
delete this image or video clip, delete the entire
panoramic sequence of images, delete all images
and video clips, format the internal memory or an
optional memory card, and undelete the last
deleted image. (See Delete on page 79.)
2 Remove Red Eyes - Corrects the red effect which
appears in the eyes of human subjects in still
images. (See Remove Red Eyes on page 80.)
3 Image Advice - Provides an analysis of the image
which identifies problems with focus, exposure,
and so forth. Also provides recommendations on
how to improve similar images in the future. (See
Image Advice on page 81.)
4 Image Info - Allows you to view all of the settings
that were used when capturing this image. (See
Image Info on page 81.)
5 Record Audio - Records an audio clip to attach to
this still image. (See Record Audio on page 83.)
6 Rotate - Rotates the currently displayed still image
90 degrees clockwise. (See Rotate on page 84.)
7 Preview Panorama - Displays a low-resolution,
stitched image of the currently selected
panorama. (See Preview Panorama on page 84.)
8 EXIT - Exits the Playback Menu.
Shows the Image Quality setting that was used to
take this image, or blank if it is a video clip. (See
Image Quality on page 52.)