Chapter 4: Using HP Instant Share 85
Chapter 4:
Using HP Instant Share
This camera has an exciting feature called HP Instant Share.
This feature allows you to easily select still images in your
camera to be automatically sent to a variety of destinations the
next time you connect the camera to your computer. For
example, you can select images in your camera to be
automatically sent to e-mail addresses (including group
distribution lists), online albums, or other online services the
next time you connect the camera to your computer.
NOTE Available online services vary by region.
Once you have taken still pictures with your camera, using
HP Instant Share is as easy as 1-2-3!
1 Set up the HP Instant Share Menu on your camera, as
explained in the next section starting on page 86.
2 Use the HP Instant Share Menu to select images in your
camera for particular HP Instant Share destinations. First see
Using the HP Instant Share Menu on page 90, and then see
Selecting All Images for HP Instant Share Destinations on
page 92 or Selecting Individual Images for HP Instant Share
Destinations on page 93.
3 Connect the camera to your computer and transfer the
images as explained in Transferring Images to a Computer
on page 97. Once the images are transferred to your
computer, they will be automatically sent to their respective
HP Instant Share destinations.
NOTE Visit to see HP Instant
Share in action.