Chapter 3: Reviewing Images and Video Clips 79
In the Playback Menu (page 75),
when you select Delete, the Delete
sub-menu displays. The Delete sub-
menu provides the following options:
z Cancel—Returns you to the
Playback Menu without deleting
the image.
z This Image—Deletes the currently displayed image or
video clip.
NOTE When one shot from the center of a panoramic
sequence is deleted, all of the panorama tags are
removed, therefore breaking the panoramic sequence.
These images are now considered individual still images.
However, if you delete an image from the beginning or
end of the panorama, and there are at least 2 images
remaining, the panoramic sequence is preserved.
z Entire Panorama Sequence—Deletes all images associated
with the panoramic sequence.
z All Images (in Memory/on Card)—Deletes all of the images
and video clips either in internal memory, or on an optional
memory card that is installed in the camera.
z Format (Memory/Card)—Deletes all of the images, video
clips, and files in internal memory or on an optional
memory card, and then formats the internal memory or
memory card.
z Undelete Last—Recovers the most recently deleted image.