Network Addressing
IP Addresses for IP and Non-IP Networks
Network Addressing
For more information, refer to Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles,
Protocols and Architecture by Douglas E. Comer (Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Device IP Configuration
List all the manageable devices on your network and their IP configuration.
Make sure that every device has a unique IP address. Make sure that all devices
on the network have the same subnet mask.
The IP configuration parameters are as follows:
IP Address: The IP address of the hub is written in the format X.X.X.X, where
each X is a decimal number between 1 and 254. Every IP address on a network
must be unique.
The default value,, disables IP communications.
Subnet Mask: The bit mask defines which portion of the IP address is the
subnet address and is written in the format X.X.X.X. The default value is
automatically generated and depends on the class of IP address that you
entered. See your network administrator for the subnet mask address. All
devices on your IP network must use the same subnet mask address.
Default Router: The routing IP address of the nearest router in your network.
The default is If no routers are in your network, enter the IP address
of this device.
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MUCHO.BK : CD.FM5 Page 3 Thursday, June 26, 1997 11:37 AM