Network Addressing
Network Addressing
Time To Live: The number of IP routers a packet is allowed to cross before
the packet is discarded. The default value is 32. Increase this value if the hub
is managed from a network management station that is more than 32 routers
away. The maximum allowable value is 255.
Use the IP Configuration command in the ASCII console or CiscoView to
specify IP addresses.
BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) is used to download network configuration data
from a server (the BOOTP server) to the hub. The configuration data the hub
retrieves from the BOOTP server is:
■ the IP address for the hub
■ the subnet mask for the subnet on which the hub is installed
■ the default router
If you have configured the hub’s IP parameters on a BOOTP server, you do
not need to use the IPConfig command in the ASCII console. As shipped from
the factory, the hub is configured to use BOOTP to retrieve the IP configura-
tion information.
The BOOTP Process
When the hub is powered on, it broadcasts BOOTP requests that contain the
hub’s MAC address. The BOOTP server receives the request and searches its
BOOTP table file for an entry that matches the hub’s MAC address. If a match
is found, the configuration data in the associated file entry is returned to the
hub as a BOOTP reply. For most UNIX systems, the BOOTP table is contained
in the /etc/bootptab file. The example below applies to the BOOTP table for
UNIX systems.
MUCHO.BK : CD.FM5 Page 4 Thursday, June 26, 1997 11:37 AM