# Check files on your device. Remove those redundant to ensure adequate space for the system software
image file to be uploaded.
<Sysname> dir
Directory of flash:/
0 drw- - Dec 07 2005 10:00:57 filename
1 drw- - Jan 02 2006 14:27:51 logfile
2 -rw- 1216 Jan 02 2006 14:28:59 config.cfg
3 -rw- 1216 Jan 02 2006 16:27:26 back.cfg
14986 KB total (2511 KB free)
<Sysname> delete /unreserved flash:/back.cfg
2. Configure the PC (FTP Client)
# Log in to the FTP server through FTP.
c:\> ftp
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User( ftp
331 Password required for ftp.
230 User logged in.
# Download the configuration file config.cfg of the device to the PC for backup.
ftp> get config.cfg back-config.cfg
# Upload the configuration file newest.bin to the device.
ftp> put newest.bin
ftp> bye
• You can take the same steps to upgrade configuration file with FTP. When up
the confi
file with FTP, put the new file in the storage medium’s root directory.
• After you finish transferring Boot ROM through FTP, you must execute the bootrom update command to
upgrade Boot ROM.
3. Upgrade the device
# Specify newest.bin as the main system software image file for next startup.
<Sysname> boot-loader file newest.bin main
# Reboot the device and the system software image file is updated at the system reboot.
<Sysname> reboot
The system software image file used for the next startup must be saved in the storage medium’s root
directory. You can copy or move a file to the storage medium’s root directory. For more information abou
the boot-loader command, see
Fundamentals Command Reference.