Performing storage medium operations
Managing the space of a storage medium
When the space of a storage medium becomes inaccessible due to abnormal operations, you can use
the fixdisk command to restore it. The execution of the format command formats the storage medium,
and all the data on the storage medium is deleted.
Use the following commands to manage the space of a storage medium:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Restore the space of a storage
fixdisk device
Available in user view
Format a storage medium format device
Available in user view
When you format a storage medium, all the files stored on it are erased and cannot be restored. If a
startup configuration file exists on the storage medium, formatting the storage medium results in loss of the
startup configuration file.
Setting prompt modes
The system provides the following prompt modes:
• alert—In this mode, the system warns you about operations that may bring undesirable
consequences such as file corruption or data loss.
• quiet—In this mode, the system does not prompt confirmation for any operation.
To prevent undesirable consequences resulting from mis-operations, the alert mode is preferred.
Follow these steps to set the operation prompt mode:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Set the operation prompt mode of
the file system
file prompt { alert | quiet }
The default is alert.
Example for file operations
# Display the files and the subdirectories in the current directory.
<Sysname> dir
Directory of flash:/
0 drw- - Feb 16 2006 11:45:36 logfile