Character Meaning Remarks
Repeats the character string
specified by the index. A character
string refers to the string within ()
before \. index refers to the
sequence number (starting from 1
from left to right) of the character
group before \. If only one character
group appears before \, index can
only be 1; if n character groups
appear before index, index can be
any integer from 1 to n.
For example, (string)\1 repeats string, and a
matching string must contain stringstring.
(string1)(string2)\2 repeats string2, and a
matching string must contain string1string2string2.
(string1)(string2)\1\2 repeats string1 and string2
respectively, and a matching string must contain
Matches a single character not
contained within the brackets.
For example, [^16A] means to match a string
containing any character except 1, 6 or A, and the
matching string can also contain 1, 6 or A, but
cannot contain these three characters only. For
example, [^16A] matches “abc” and “m16”, but
not 1, 16, or 16A.
Matches a character string starting
with string.
For example, “\<do” matches word “domain” and
string “doa”.
Matches a character string ending
with string.
For example, “do\>” matches word “undo” and
string “abcdo”.
Matches character1character2.
character1 can be any character
except number, letter or underline,
and \b equals [^A-Za-z0-9_].
For example, “\ba” matches “-a” with “-“ being
character1, and “a” being character2, but it does
not match “2a” or “ba”.
Matches a string containing
character, and no space is allowed
before character.
For example, “\Bt” matches “t” in “install”, but not
“t” in “big top”.
Matches character1character2.
character2 must be a number, letter,
or underline, and \w equals
For example, “v\w” matches “vlan”, with “v” being
character1, and “l” being character2. v\w also
matches “service”, with “i” being character2.
\W Equals \b.
For example, “\Wa” matches “-a”, with “-” being
character1, and “a” being character2, but does not
match “2a” or “ba”.
Escape character. If a special
character listed in this table follows
\, the specific meaning of the
character is removed.
For example, “\\” matches a string containing “\”,
“\^” matches a string containing “^”, and “\\b”
matches a string containing “\b”.
Example of filtering output information
1. Example of using the begin keyword
# Display the configuration from the line containing “user-interface” to the last line in the current
configuration (the output information depends on the current configuration).
<Sysname> display current-configuration | begin user-interface
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 15
authentication-mode none