EN Introduction 8-3
There are four locations where a font may be stored: printer ROM
(Read Only Memory), SIMM module ROM, cartridge ROM, and
printer RAM (random access memory; user memory). These font
locations are shown below, listed from the highest to lowest priority.
The font that matches the characteristics is selected from the highest
priority location.
Note In 600 dpi mode: A 600 dpi font has priority over a 300 dpi font. For
example, a 600 dpi bitmap soft font is highest, then a scalable soft
font, followed by a 300 dpi bitmapped soft font.
Finally, for bitmap fonts, the orientation of a font is considered. If there
are two fonts which are similar in all the above characteristics and
which reside at the same location, the font with the orientation that
matches the orientation of the page is selected. If only one font
remains and its orientation is different than the current page, the
printer rotates the font to the orientation of the page. (“Summary of
Font Selection by Characteristic” on page 23, later in this chapter,
summarizes font selection by characteristic.)
Priority of Locations
Soft Font (Lowest ID first) Highest
Cartridge Font
1. In printers with two cartridge slots, one slot has priority over the other. Refer to
Appendix E of the PCL 5 Comparison Guide for cartridge slot priority information
for the different HP LaserJet printers.
SIMM Font |
Internal Font Lowest