EN Introduction 16-3
Entity Status
It is possible to request status for the printer’s entities. An entity is a
font, symbol set, macro, or user-defined pattern stored in the printer.
Each individual entity request is limited to one specific entity, and is
further limited to a specific location. To request entity status, you must
send the entity status readback commands to identify a location type
and a location unit, and then send the entity request command.
Location type refers to the memory locations which store entities.
These memory locations include internal ROM, RAM (for downloaded
entities), cartridges, user-installable ROMs (SIMMs), and one
additional location identified as “currently selected.“ Currently
selected identifies the entity which is active, such as the font or
user-defined pattern last selected. (Currently selected does not
apply to macros or symbol sets).
Location unit refers to a specific location (or device) within the
location type. For example, location unit “1” for location type
“cartridge,“ identifies the left cartridge on a printer with two cartridges;
or, unit “1” for location type “downloaded,” identifies the temporary
fonts (as opposed to permanent).
The location type and unit are described in detail under the location
type and unit status readback command descriptions provided later
in this chapter.
Once the location type and unit are specified, the status can be
requested using the Inquire Status Readback Entity command.
This command identifies the entity (font, symbol set, macro, or
user-defined pattern) and causes the printer to send the response.
Status response sent from
printer to host
Table 16-1 Memory Status Request Example (continued)