11-38 Soft Font Creation EN
There are no invalid Character Complement field values. Examples of
values for the field include:
26 0 if font is compatible with character sets requiring a
wider selection of accents (e.g., MC Text, ISO 8859/1
Latin 1); 1 otherwise.
25 0 if font is compatible with traditional PCL character
sets (e.g., Roman-8, Legal, ISO 4 United Kingdom);
1 otherwise.
24 0 if font is compatible with the Macintosh character
set (MC Text); 1 otherwise.
23 0 if font is compatible with PostScript Standard
Encoding (PS Text); 1 otherwise.
22 0 if font is compatible with Code Pages (e.g., PC-8,
PC 850, PC-Turk, etc.); 1 otherwise.
2,1,0 110 if font is arranged in Unicode Symbol Index order.
Table 11-29
Bit Field Designated Use
Value (hex) Meaning
‘‘0000000000000000’’ Default complement; font is
compatible with any character set.
‘‘7fffffffffffffff’’ Font is indexed in MSL and is
compatible only with standard
West Latin character sets.
‘‘fffffffeffffffff’’ Font is indexed in MSL and is
compatible only with ITC Zapf
Dingbat character sets.
‘‘ffffffff3ffffffe’’ Font is indexed in Unicode and is
compatible only with standard
West Latin character sets.
Table 11-28 Unicode Symbol Index Character Complement Bits