Table 27. Mapping MIME Note’s Part Type and Subtypes to OfficeVision (continued)
Type Subtype
Counterpart Notes
Message RFC822 Appends to existing note and may add
Not defined in this
Not defined in this
OfficeVision Document
PC file
MIME Parser does not handle these
combinations and spools them to a PC file.
Setting Up MIME Headers to Differentiate between Recipients
The Change Distribution Attributes (CHGDSTA) command changes the content of
message services attributes (X.400 support) for mail distributions and
OfficeVision/400. The Keep Recipient (KEEPRCP) parameter specifies which
recipient information is stored and sent within each mail distribution. The setting of
this parameter affects how the MIME headers get created for a note from
From FAKEOV@SYSNAM7.CITY.COMPANY.COM Thu Feb 01 07:54:03 1996
Received: from SYSNAM7.city.company.com by fakeps2.city.company.com (COMPANY OS/2 SENDMAIL VERSION 1.3.2)/1.0)
id AA0202; Thu, 01 Feb 96 07:54:03 -0500
Message-Id: <9602011254.AA0202@fakeps2.city.company.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 07:55:16 +0000
Subject: This is the Subject Line
Reference: This is the Reference Line
Sensitivity: none
Priority: normal
Importance: high
To: fake@fakeps2.city.company.com
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
> THIS IS A MESSAGE IN 'MIME' FORMAT. Your mail reader does not support MIME.
> You may not be able to read some parts of this message.
Content-ID: <1_1>
Content-Type: text/plain
For your information
Here's a Memo Slip which I've attached.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
TO: FAKE FAKEPS2 Fakes ps2
DATE: February 1, 1996
SUBJECT: This is the Subject Line
REFERENCE: This is the Reference Line
This is the main body of the note.
Figure 191. Example of a MIME Note Going from OfficeVision/400 to a POP Mail User
Chapter 9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 307