
Sockets Programming
, SC41-5422-03. Provides
programming information for using the sockets
programming interface for the AS/400 system.
Workstation Customization Programming
SC41-5605-00. Provides information for using
the workstation customizing function.
X.25 Network Support
, SC41-5405-01. Provides
information on how to use the AS/400 X.25
support. Descriptions of various connection
methods, diagnostic information, and
configuration examples are included.
3270 Device Emulation Support
, SC41-5408-00.
Provides the display station operator or the
programmer who uses the OS/400 binary
synchronous communications (BSC) and
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) 3270
device emulation with information on 3270
device emulation. Also included are the
differences between the 5250 keyboard and the
3278 keyboard.
Integrated Netfinity Server
Integration Services for Integrated PC Server
SC41-5123-00. This book explains how to
install, configure, and use the Integration
Services for Integrated Netfinity Server feature
of OS/400. This support enables you to use the
Integrated Netfinity Server as an Ethernet or
token-ring LAN adapter. This support also
allows you to install and run applications such
as Lotus Notes, NetWare, Warp Server and
Windows NT Server on the Integrated Netfinity
Internet Connection Server
HTTP Server for AS/400 Quick Beginnings
GC41-5433-01 explains how to plan for, install,
and start your server by using the default
configuration settings and how to stop your
server. It also explains how to view online help
and print online books.
HTTP Server for AS/400 Webmaster’s Guide
explains how to change the default
configuration settings to meet your needs,
either by using the built-in configuration utility or
by editing the configuration file. It also explains
how to control and track user’s access to your
server, how to include dynamic information in
the files your server returns to users, and how
to set up a secure environment for your users
to conduct business.
Internet Connection Server for AS/400 Web
Programming Guide
is available online at
See this article for information on writing
external programs that interact with the Internet
Connection Secure Server by way of the
Common Gateway Interface (CGI). For
example, you can write a CGI program to
generate a dynamic response to user input.
Programming Manuals
DDS Reference
, SC41-5712-01. Provides
information about using DDS to create and
maintain displays for applications, creating and
working with display files on the system.
Application Display Programming
SC41-5715-00. Contains information about
managing files, and creating job queues and
output queues.
CL Programming
, SC41-5721-02. Provides the
application programmer or programmer with a
wide-ranging discussion of AS/400
programming topics, such as a general
discussion of objects and libraries, control
language (CL) programming, messages and
message handling, user-defined commands and
menus, and application testing.
CL Reference (Abridged)
, SC41-5722-03.
Provides the application programmer or system
programmer with a description of the AS/400
control language (CL) and its commands.
Command descriptions include a syntax
diagram, parameters, default values and
ILE C for AS/400 Programmer’s Guide
SC09-2712-01. This book documents
general-use programming interfaces and
associated guidance information provided by
the Integrated Language Environment C for
AS/400 compiler.
System API Reference
, SC41-5801-03.
Provides information for the experienced
programmer on how to use the application
programming interfaces (APIs) to such OS/400
functions as:
Dynamic Screen Manager
Files (database, spooled, hierarchical)
Message handling
National language support
600 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4