To change the local domain name, type option 12 on the Configure TCP/IP menu.
The Change TCP/IP domain information display is shown in Figure 24.
1. Changes that you make using the Change TCP/IP domain information
(CHGTCPDMN) command take effect immediately.
2. The local domain name is used by many applications including PING. PING
appends the local domain to a host name if a domain is not specified or if a
period (.) does not appear at the end of the specified host name.
Domain Name System (DNS) Server
The conversion from host name to Internet address can be performed by using the
host table on the local system or by defining a Domain Name System server, or
DNS server.
In large networks with large host tables, it is more convenient to have DNS servers
than to have a complete copy of the host table on every host in the network.
A DNS server maintains the host table for an entire TCP/IP domain. This prevents
each single host from having to maintain its own local host table.
You can configure your AS/400 system to use both a DNS server and your local
host table, but they are not mutually exclusive. You can also specify whether the
domain name server or your local host table is searched first.
For more information about how the Domain Name System works and how to
configure a DNS server, see “Chapter 18. AS/400 Domain Name System (DNS)” on
page 421.
Step 8—Starting TCP/IP and TCP/IP Servers
Before any TCP/IP services are available on the AS/400 system, TCP/IP processing
must be initialized and activated. To start TCP/IP, you have two options:
1. Select option 3 from the TCP/IP Administration menu (GO TCPADM),
2. Enter the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command.
Change TCP/IP Domain (CHGTCPDMN)
Type choices, press Enter.
Host name ........... SYSNAM890
Domain name .......... SYSNAM123.IBM.COM
Host name search priority . . . *LOCAL *REMOTE, *LOCAL, *SAME
Domain name server:
Internet address....... ''
Figure 24. Change TCP/IP Domain Information (CHGTCPDMN)
Chapter 2. Configuring TCP/IP 43