Programming Model 2-1
Chapter 2. Programming Model
The programming model of the PPC405 embedded processor core describes the following features
and operations:
• Memory organization and addressing, starting on page 2-1
• Registers, starting on page 2-2
• Data types and alignment, starting on page 2-16
• Byte ordering, starting on page 2-17
• Instruction processing, starting on page 2-23
• Branching control, starting on page 2-24
• Speculative accesses, starting on page 2-27
• Privileged mode operation, starting on page 2-30
• Synchronization, starting on page 2-33
• Instruction set, starting on page 2-36
2.1 User and Privileged Programming Models
The PPC405 executes programs in two modes, also referred to as states. Programs running in
privileged mode
(also referred to as the supervisor state) can access any register and execute any
instruction. These instructions and registers comprise the privileged programming model. In
, certain registers and instructions are unavailable to programs. This is also called the problem
state. Those registers and instructions that are available comprise the user programming model.
Privileged mode provides operating system software access to all processor resources. Because
access to certain processor resources is denied in user mode, application software runs in user
mode. Operating system software and other application software is protected from the effects of an
errant application program.
Throughout this book, the terms user program and privileged programs are used to associate
programs with one of the programming models. Registers and instructions are described as user or
privileged. Privileged mode operation is described in detail in “Privileged Mode Operation” on
page 2-30.
2.2 Memory Organization and Addressing
The PowerPC Architecture defines a 32-bit, 4-gigabyte (GB) flat address space for instructions and
User’s manuals for standard products containing a PPC405 core describe the memory organizations
and physical address maps of the standard products.