
Instructions by Category B-1
Appendix B. Instructions by Category
Chapter 9, “Instruction Set,” contains detailed descriptions of the instructions, their operands, and
Table B-1 summarizes the instruction categories in the PPC405 instruction set. The instructions
within each category are listed in subsequent tables.
B.1 Implementation-Specific Instructions
To meet the functional requirements of processors for embedded systems and real-time applications,
the PPC405 core defines the implementation-specific instructions summarized in Table B-2.
Table B-1. PPC405 Instruction Set Categories
Storage Reference load, store
Arithmetic and Logical add, subtract, negate, multiply, divide, and, andc, or, orc, xor, nand, nor, xnor, sign
extension, count leading zeros, multiply accumulate
Comparison compare, compare logical, compare immediate
Branch branch, branch conditional, branch to LR, branch to CTR
CR Logical crand, crandc, cror, crorc, crnand, crnor, crxor, crxnor, move CR field
Rotate/Shift rotate and insert, rotate and mask, shift left, shift right
Cache Control invalidate, touch, zero, flush, store, read
Interrupt Control write to external interrupt enable bit, move to/from MSR, return from interrupt,
return from critical interrupt
Processor Management system call, synchronize, trap, move to/from DCRs, move to/from SPRs, move
to/from CR
Table B-2. Implementation-specific Instructions
Mnemonic Operands Function
Other Registers
Changed Page
dccci RA, RB Invalidate the data cache congruence class
associated with the effective address (EA)
(RA|0) + (RB).
dcread RT, RA, RB Read either tag or data information from the data
cache congruence class associated with the EA
(RA|0) + (RB).
Place the results in RT.
iccci RA, RB Invalidate instruction cache. 9-67
icread RA, RB Read either tag or data information from the
instruction cache congruence class associated with
the EA (RA|0) + (RB).
Place the results in ICDBDR.